Monday, August 11, 2008

Toilet Paper Debate: Not Worthy

Sorry, everybody. But in our research, it appears that the great toilet paper debate is not that contentious. As it seems, the "over the top" (toward you) crowd seems to be the winner in all the Internet blogs and opinion polls, and, as such, we figure there is no real argument. If you like for it to roll from the back side, you're evidently just wierd. Apparently. We voice no opinion whatsoever.We prefer the bidet approach. We think.


Go Sooners said...

Thank God for That One. No Toilet Paper Debate. Shhhhheeessshhh!!
Let's keep it interesting. Let's talk about Bob Barr and the Libertarians. Global warming may be a good topic at some point, especially after the mild summer we have had this year. How about Fox News v CNN News? Sports may be good some weeks. Who's number one. You just can't talk about the same team and then all your bloggers can pick their team to debate as the best. Should we have a playoff in college?

There are a few suggestions to start.

Dano and Reed said...

Thanks for the great debating ideas. We'll put these in the idea hat and choose randomly from it in the future.

Mild summer? Really?

J.T. Twilley said...

Calling Fox or CNN "news" is being a bit grateful, harkleroad. And hasn't that one been done to death. Fox commentators are neo-cons. CNN's "news anchors" are liberal, while their commentators are NOW more balanced. Perhaps even conservative, given they've found that conservative commentators get better ratings and sell more ads than liberal ones.

I'm disappointed and depressed there's no toilet paper debate .... wait for it .... wait for it ... OK, I'm over it.

I would at least finish the debate series with Bob Barr. He's no Ron Paul, but he's at least carrying the banner of libertarians whether he actually believes in it or not. I'll vote the banner and hope it sends a message to the Republicans.

J.T. Twilley said...

I've got another issue that is timely. And that's whether the U.S. should become involved in the Russia-Georgia conflict. Georgia is perhaps our biggest true ally in southeast Asia and we are standing by at this very hour while they are being rejoined to the Soviet Union. Not only that, Georgia is an important strategic location for what is becoming a bullying Russia. And Georgia also houses an oil pipeline that is in competition with Russia's oil and natural gas empire. (That's the REAL reason for the invasion). How ironic? A war for oil. Get used to it. Every future conflict of this planet will be about energy until we have a reversal in population growth. What should the U.S. do if anything about this Russian act. Anyone remember Nazi Germany? Give an inch they'll take a mile.

Dano said...

Georgia-Russia conflict: in the idea hat.

Go Sooners said...

Well J.T. they call themselves news. I think when you look up the definition of cynic in the dictionary there most be a picture of you there.....(I mean that in good fun) Most of your comments seem to be a little cynical so I thought I would just have a little fun with you hear. Nothing personal.

Don't have to do the News topic if you don't want too. I recent independent study said Fox News was the least biased but maybe you didn't see that.

What is this obsession with "neo-cons" anyway. There aren't really that many true neo-cons out there anyway. It's more of liberal label for any conservative they decide they don't like.

Go Sooners said...

Dano and Reed

Can this blog let you edit your own posts. I feel for you Dano on your McCain spelling. I just read my last post. Too late the wrong words are in there permanetly. I think everyone will know what I mean but in the mean time....I join you in looking like we don't know how to spell or write......LOL

Dano and Reed said..., there is no way for you to edit your comments after posting them. Even we can't edit ours after posting. Just a weakness in the blogger software.

J.T. Twilley said...

Harkleroad, me? A cynic? Nah. A realist.

Actually conservatives in power are more likely to be labeled "neo-cons" by other conservatives and libertarian-leaning conservatives than they are by liberals. Paleoconservatives hate that the prevailing philosophy that neo-cons believe in is so closely aligned with theirs that it gives them a bad name.

Here's an example: a paleoconservative generally believes in few government services and low taxes for EVERYONE. A neo-con (or neoconservative) will say the same thing, but in practice will give tax breaks to business, bail out business and not reduce government services, essentially pro- big businesss regardless of the circumstances.

In short, neo-cons makes all other conservatives look bad, real bad, especially to those who have only a passing idea of political science.

Go Sooners said...

The key there j.t. is "label." You're right conservatives in power get "labeled" as neo-cons by the political left all the time. They think it makes them look bad. It's a word that was coined by a liberal back in 1973.

I think maybe that a lot of people think that many conservative are neo-cons (by your definition) when they actually aren't. The label worked then I guess.

Anonymous said...

I like Harkleroad's suggestion for Fox News v CNN News as a topic.

Anonymous said...

"I like Harkleroad's suggestion for Fox News v CNN News as a topic." is My comment and I don't know what I did wrong to show up as anonymous. No biggie.

Dano and Reed said...

We've talked about this as a topic, and decided it's too trite...the sides are well entrenched. If you're a Fox fan, or a CNN fan, more power to ya. We won't be debating this one--it's too personal.

Anonymous said...

Fine by me if this (now old) topic isn't debated. But I'm not sure what you mean by "it's too personal". Seems to me that All of the comments on this website are "personal", i.e. unique to the individual writer.

Go Sooners said...

Excellent Point Deb. Maybe Dano and Reed are just skert! LOL

Anonymous said...

Deb...personal in the sense that most people get deeply offended by the mere suggestion that their choice of news programs might be biased, regardless of empirical evidence. It's kind of like arguing religion. And, as for harkleroad's response to your comment, I don't know what skert means.

Anonymous said...

Thanks much, Dano, for the clarification!
I understand how passionate people can be when it comes to their biases. What I find strange is how a news program debate would be any more inflammatory than a political discussion. You know the big 3's: religion, politics and sex.
Yeah, I don't know what skert means either. Scared perhaps? lol

Go Sooners said...

You got it Deb! Scared. (It was all in fun Dano. Just teasing a little.)

Go Sooners said...

You got it Deb! Scared. (It was all in fun Dano. Just teasing a little.)