Thursday, August 7, 2008

Timeline for Troop Withdrawal is Negotiated

Wow. The AP writes today that the Bush Administration and the Iraqi Government are in negotiations to have U.S. combat troops out of Iraq by October 2010. Interesting reversal of position, if true. Certainly, now that McCain and Obama have both suggested that 16 months was a "reasonable time frame" subject to conditions on the ground, the Bush Administration might just be getting the message that the American people want us out as soon as possible. The AP article can be seen here.


Anonymous said...

you misspelled McCain.

Dano and Reed said...

Thanks. It's been corrected.

Anonymous said...

Hey why don't you put links in for your topics. Link them to your email addresses or something so we can send ideas directly to you without filling up the "comments" sections with topics. You never know when that will all get silly one week and clog up the blog.

Dano and Reed said...

Thanks for the suggestion, anonymous, but we can't do that because spammers can get to our private email accounts with such a link. We'll just have to take our chances on the comments section getting filled up.