Thursday, August 28, 2008

History has been made

On the home front, I'm happy to say that Dano is home, and while he's going to take a while to recuperate, I anticipate it will be easier for him in his own room than in a hospital bed. On behalf of his family, I thank you for all the prayers and good wishes, and I ask you to continue to keep them in your thoughts.
I don't have to tell you that history was made tonight, as the first African-American nominee of a major party for President of the United States accepted the nomination. I paid close attention to the entire convention, and will do the same next week as Republicans gather in the Twin Cities. And I am convinced that this election may be the most important in a generation. So I urge all of you to search your hearts, determine what's important, and above all else, vote.
I am a believer in the notion that God does not care who we elect as President, but does care that we, as a nation and as individuals, act toward other nations and each other in just the manner that we would have them act toward us. This requires us to be patient and understanding, but unrelenting in those ideals that are inspired by our founders and our faith. Between now and November 4, let us demand of our leaders and our candidates that they take the high road, avoid personal attacks and tell us the truth. If they will do that, we will make the right decision.
I know it's asking a lot. But America and the world deserve no less.
God bless America.


J.T. Twilley said... post today on the history that was made last night?

J.T. Twilley said...

Our Mama beats your Obama! -- Love it!

Reed Mahoney said...

Sorry, j.t., that I didn't jump on the "history" bandwagon on this one. It just occurs to me that a major party nominated a woman as its V.P. candidate some 24 years ago, so the GOP can hardly claim to be "making history".

J.T. Twilley said...

Well, its history-making for the GOP. And its argueable whether the Dems were even trying when they put Ferraro on the ticket.